Working to combat the intimate partner violence epidemic
York Regional Police officers respond to more than 6,000 reports related to intimate partner violence each year, yet many incidents go unreported
Recognize, Report and Prevent it
That was the goal of a three-month transit and billboard campaign launched by York Regional Police, alongside partners at the York Region Centre for Community Safety (YRCCS) and 482 Collective, in November 2023.
In York Region, police respond to more than 6,000 reports related to intimate partner violence each year. Criminal charges are laid in close to 2,000 of those incidents.
But too often, intimate partner violence goes unrecognized and unreported and the risk of violence grows for women who are Indigenous, racialized or newcomers to Canada.
“Intimate partner violence affects every community across every culture and societal boundary,” said Deputy Chief of Investigations Alvaro Almeida.

The problem led experts across the country to label intimate partner violence as an epidemic. With the number of victims growing, York Regional Police turned to community partners to provide the best possible support for those affected.
In 2023, the police service embedded an officer directly into YRCCS, integrating police response with the other wrap-around services.
The model creates an environment where victims need only tell their story once to find the support they require.
“We want to avoid re-traumatizing victims by not making them repeat their stories over and over,” said Deputy Chief Almeida.
To increase reporting, the ad campaign also featured a hotline number for victims.
Support is available at YRCCS 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call 1-855-541-2220 for help.