Fit 4 Prep boot camp to boost applications from women
It’s no easy feat trying to become a police officer. Just ask Kassandra Beck, who tried twice to pass the physical test component in her bid to join YRP, but was unsuccessful
Prepping For Success
It’s no easy feat trying to become a police officer. Just ask Kassandra Beck, who tried twice to pass the physical test component in her bid to join YRP, but was unsuccessful.
As part of the York Regional Police recruiting process, candidates must pass the Physical Readiness Evaluation for Police (PREP) test.

That’s when a recruiter at York Regional Police told Beck about the Fit 4 PREP boot camp, a program geared toward helping prospective female candidates through the recruitment process.
“The boot camp was designed to address the decline in female applicants and to increase their confidence when meeting the physical requirements for the police constable position,” York Regional Police Constable Kristina Arezza explained.
The boot camp offers female applicants the opportunity to train with police professionals in order to prepare for the test.
Eric Donaldson, YRP Biological Health Coordinator, helped design the program.
“We train with the applicants once a week and we also give them an at-home program where they do two metabolic muscular conditioning days, as well as two cardiovascular conditioning days,” he said.
The program also consists of weekly empowerment sessions.
“We have 30 to 45-minute presentations touching on goal setting…we’re talking about sleep strategies, nutrition strategies and lifestyle strategies,” Donaldson explained.

“It gave me the confidence and the physical training I needed to complete the physical that stood in between myself and my dream career,” Beck said. “I also met some incredible, empowering women who I am still in touch with to this day.”
Shortly after completing the Fit 4 PREP boot camp, Beck was hired by York Regional Police. She graduated from the cadet program and is now a constable with YRP.
“It gave me the confidence and the physical training i needed to complete the physical that stood in between myself and my dream career.”
Constable Kassandra Beck
Beck said she would “absolutely” recommend the Fit 4 PREP boot camp to other women looking to start their career in policing.
“To be a part of the (program) and come out being a successful candidate and to have these friendships – I am forever grateful to YRP and its boot camp,” Beck said.